The Season Of Thankfulness: Just Now Or Year Round?

Hill & Kinsella

November has always been one of my favorite times of the year. This year, with all the social distancing, its just a little different. No matter how hard the retail industry tries, they aren’t that successful at commercializing Thanksgiving. Yes, a lot of extra food is sold and Black Friday seems to start earlier and earlier each year, the holiday hasn’t been tarnished. It’s still Thanksgiving.

The weather is cooling off, even here in Florida, and the humidity is dropping. This year, we made it through a pandemic and are now almost past another hurricane season. Students are settled back in school and snowbirds are beginning to return. Yes, the traffic will get heavier, but that’s just part of the holiday season.

We all have been impacted by Covid, some in more devastating ways than others. I am especially concerned about so many friends and family. Some of you have called with sad and difficult news and to you we send our virtual hugs. Words are not sufficient to comfort and hugs can only be virtual.

Why I’m Still Thankful This Year

As I take time to reflect on the year and make my list of things to be thankful for, I realize the list is still quite long. It includes each of my family and friends, my home, my health that I have a roof over my head. And I am particularly grateful for my profession as a lawyer in elder law.

I’m also grateful for our dedicated and talented legal professionals here at HKH Elder Law. Not only do they work hard to make sure our clients are well served, but they also make me look good! I am also grateful for those who’ve worked with us and moved on. Each has added to who we are today. This year has been difficult for our staff too. Yet, they have gone to incredible lengths to keep us serving our clients. We’ve worked from home for a while, than back in the office. We’ve met with clients in the parking lot and held almost all of our signings outside. All of this to keep you safe because we are so grateful for you.

I am particularly glad this gratefulness list includes YOU!

  • You, who are our clients, without whom, we wouldn’t be here. Even more, you enrich our days.
  • You have been flexible with us as we’ve worked though the challenges brought on by Covid.
  • You, who are our clients’ families and loved ones. We see how you care. You make it possible for us to serve some of the most vulnerable.
  • You, who have been so kind to leave a review about us on our site or a review on Google.
  • You, who have trusted us enough to refer others to us. Goodness, you have made a difference! It is truly a humbling honor to have someone referred to us.
  • You, who serve our clients in different ways. Nothing is more frustrating than not having a place to refer someone. You make a difference for us. We are so grateful you are out there and we are able to confidently share your names.

We’ve followed businesses that incorporated sharing gratitude in their meetings. It only takes a few minutes and they claimed to enjoy great benefits from the practice. So, at HKH Elder Law we took it to the next level. We jumped on the wagon and now share our grateful thoughts in our meetings. Already, I believe we’re all just a little bit happier and maybe even a little more effective. I would most certainly recommend this practice for any business or individual.

As that thankfulness list gets longer, my stresses fade and worries weaken, even in these difficult times. Life feels better and I am able to focus on the task at hand. So, I’ve determined, I will continue focusing on gratefulness long after this season is past, and hope you will also.

By April Hill

If you need to speak to one of our friendly and compassionate legal professionals at HKH Elder Law regarding estate planning or elder law, then please give us a call today at (727) 240-2350 to request your consultation.